How to Shop Sustainably


How to Shop Sustainably

From the Archive

Living more sustainable is something that everyone should work towards. However, being sustainable isn’t something you can simply tick off – it’s a lifetime journey which takes a lot of commitment.

Once you learn some of the ways to live more sustainably, from small changes in your daily routine to bigger lifestyle changes, you can start to make sustainable living a habit that comes as second nature We’ve put together the perfect guide on sustainable shopping and how you can shop more sustainably, so you can kickstart your sustainable lifestyle. Carry on reading to discover how you can shop more sustainably.

Shop Our Sustainable Bags

What is Sustainable Shopping?

Sustainable shopping is the first step towards living more sustainably. It’s all about making more of a conscious choice when shopping and choosing items that have less of an impact on the overall environment.

It also encourages you to be more mindful when it comes to making a purchase and will allow you to consider whether the materials used are durable and will last long, helping you to get more wear and use out of the items.

What’s The Difference Between Ethical Shopping and Sustainable Shopping?

Along with sustainable shopping, there’s ethical shopping. Ethical shopping is the act of purchasing goods from companies that treat their employees fairly and ethically. This includes:

  • Fair hours
  • Good working conditions
  • Fair treatment

On the other hand, sustainable shopping specifically refers to the environmental impact of the items you’re buying, looking at the materials used, the energy required to manufacture them and the carbon footprint they produce.

Both ethical and sustainable shopping are as equally important to be mindful of when shopping.

How to Shop Sustainably

Shopping sustainable is a great way to help protect our overall environment. We’ve put together our top 5 ways you can shop more sustainably in order to protect the earth for future generations.

1. Buy Second Hand

Opting to buy second hand is a great starting point when it comes to shopping sustainably. This way you can shop the items you want for a fraction of the price, but also reduce waste while you’re at it.

2. Invest in Reusable Items

Using new plastic bags and disposable coffee cups every time you shop is highly unsustainable.These items cause so much waste and the mix of plastic in their composition means that unfortunately we can’t recycle them, meaning that they’ll end up in landfills. Instead of contributing to the waste, investing in reusable items like tote bags and travel cups will help reduce the amount of waste developed and help you live more sustainable.

3. Choose Energy Efficient Goods

Now more than ever, electrical items can use a lot of energy. When looking to buy new electrical appliances, you should opt for those that have the best energy efficiency rating. This will help reduce your energy bills and energy waste in the long run.

4. Invest in Pieces That Will Last Longer

Investing in items that are more durable will help limit the amount of waste you contribute to. Although buying multiple variations of cheaper items can fill up your wardrobe, ask yourself whether these items are going to last.

This doesn’t have to be with just clothes – this self-reflection can be applicable to any item you buy.

At Millican, all our backpacks and accessories are designed with hard-wearing, durable material to ensure that no matter how often you use them, they’re designed to last you a lifetime.

Shop our Millican bags and accessories today!

5. Donate

If you want to contribute to shopping sustainably, donate any unwanted items to those that need it when you next have a clear out. Whether you gift your items to friends and family or to a charity shop, donating your items will help reduce waste and give your items another lease of life.

How Does Millican Contribute to Sustainable Shopping?

Along with being durable and designed to last a lifetime, Millican promotes sustainability by crafting each bag and accessory with post-consumer recyclable waste. So, if you’re in need of a new bag or bag accessories that will help you take the step towards living more sustainably, you should check out our range!

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