Navigate Your Bag - Fraser the Rucksack 18L

Product Reviews

Navigate Your Bag - Fraser the Rucksack 18L

From the Archive

My Fraser the Rucksack 18L has many incarnations and is forever on a little adventure with me and my family. We live by the sea in Llanbedrog, North Wales. I’m an illustrator, photographer, art director, a one man design agency I guess, as well as a lifeboatman, husband and father. Fraser is always by my side, packed with ideas, notes and sketches.

Illustrations and words by Jonty Story | @cardiganuk

At the weekend Fraser winds down but doesn’t stop. Full of sand, shells and sea glass, getting salty on the beach, going surfing, maybe up a mountain, but always keeping hold of our essentials, making sure our little adventures have everything they need.

There’s something satisfying about the sharp tug on the sturdy drawstring, the beautifully designed clip feels good in the hand and makes the bag super secure. The valuables pocket is genius, the three things I’m forever losing and looking for, my phone, keys and a pen, all snuggled up together in one place.

Fraser might be little but they're hardy chap, handling a few rouge waves and I assure you they're ice cream proof. They've accompanied me on lifeboat call outs, fishing trips and late-night beach BBQs. One thing is always constant, come Monday morning, they are always ready for another week on my back, meeting clients, full of ideas and getting sh*t done.

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