Navigate Your Bag - Smith the Roll Top 15L With Pockets

Product Reviews

Navigate Your Bag - Smith the Roll Top 15L With Pockets

From the Archive

With Smith the Roll Pack 15L on his back, Ian Craigie sets out onto unknown trails that weave through in his home city, Edinburgh.

What can you explore in a day from your doorstep?

Illustrations & Words by Ian Craigie | @itsiancraigie

Edinburgh is a city that lends itself to walking. I love cutting about with my dog Sunny Bobbins, finding new trails within the city.

There is a whole network of hidden paths and its always great to find an unknown path that connects up a familiar section. Smith the Roll Pack 15L is ideal, with a safe pocket for my iPad, sketchbook, keys, water bottle and of course Sunny’s ball. Always packed and ready, for mini adventures with Bobbins.

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